Altamaha Environmental Consulting, LLC, named after the Altamaha River, are specialists when it comes to herpetological surveys and other field projects. Drawing on 25 years of field experience in the southeastern Coastal Plain, we strive to fulfill our clients' needs in a timely, professional manner.
Eastern Indigo Snake Surveys
AEC staff have extensive experience conducting visual encounter surveys and detector dog surveys for indigo snakes, both in Georgia and Florida. We have also conducted mark-recapture population monitoring studies of this imperiled snake. Surveys are typically conducted during the cooler months of the year (November-March) when snakes are near refugia (tortoise burrows, stump holes) in upland habitats.

Gopher Tortoise Surveys
AEC staff are skilled in the varied survey methods (line transect distance surveys, absolute surveys) used to survey for gopher tortoises. We have extensive experience (over 20 years) using tortoise burrow cameras to determine burrow occupancy and to search for commensal species. We have conducted gopher tortoise translocations in both Florida and Georgia.

Technical Writing
AEC staff are eager to complete or assist with technical writing projects (scientific reports, gray reports, similar publications) per the needs of our client. We also have a vast body of experience authoring popular articles, with accompanying photos, related to conservation and natural history.

Amphibian-Reptile Inventories
AEC staff have extensive knowledge with respect to the identification and ecology of the herpetofauna of the eastern United States. We are experienced with all standard field survey techniques, including drift fence sampling, dipnet/minnow trap surveys, and visual encounter surveys.

Flatwoods Salamander / Striped Newt Surveys
AEC staff have 20+ years of direct field experience working with amphibians endemic to longleaf pine ecosystems (flatwoods salamander, striped newt, gopher frog), and have sampled/evaluated wetland habitats for these species throughout their respective ranges - thus, we are skilled in determining whether a particular site or wetland is in fact potential habitat. We have conducted surveys for these taxa using the following techniques: a) dipnet surveys for larvae/adults; b) aquatic trap surveys for larvae/adults; c) drift fence surveys for adults; d) aural surveys for calling adults (gopher frog).

Rare Invertebrate Surveys
AEC staff are especially interested in invertebrates, and have conducted surveys for freshwater mussels, rare tiger beetles, spiders, and dragonflies (including a longleaf pine sandhill seepage endemic, the Say's Spiketail). A current project focuses on the natural history of a wind scorpion (Ammotrechella sp.) native to southern Georgia.