AEC has been involved in publications concerning a wide range of species.
Below you will find a list of publications, along with their download links.
Eastern Indigo Snake / Gopher Tortoise
Bauder, J.M., D.J. Stevenson, C.S. Sutherland, and C.L. Jenkins. 2017. Occupancy of potential overwintering
habitat on protected lands by two imperiled snake species in the Coastal Plain of the southeastern
United States. Journal of Herpetology 51(1):73-88. [ Download ]
Knafo. S.E., T.M. Norton, M. Mitchell, D.J. Stevenson,
N.L. Hyslop, R. Poppenga, M. Oliva, T. Chen, C. Cray, S.E.J. Gibbs, L. Durden, N. Stedman, S. Divers, and
E. Dierenfeld. 2016. Health and nutritional assessment of free-ranging eastern indigo snakes (Drymarchon couperi),
in Georgia, United States. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47(4):1000-1012. [ Download ]
Stevenson, D.J. 2015. Life in a Turtle Burrow:
the commensals of Gopherus polyphemus. The Tortoise 1(4):48-55.
Stevenson, D.J. 2014. Eastern Coachwhip
(Coluber flagellum flagellum) preys on hatchling Gopher Tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus). Bulletin
of the Chicago Herpetological Society 49(7):93-94. [ Download ]
Hyslop, N.L., M.J. Meyers, R.J. Cooper,
and D.J. Stevenson. 2014. Effects of body size and sex of Drymarchon couperi (Eastern Indigo Snake)
on habitat use, movements, and home range size in Georgia. Journal of Wildlife Management 78(1):1-11. [ Download ]
Bauder, J.M., C. Castellano, J.B. Jensen,
D.J. Stevenson, and C.L. Jenkins. 2014. Comparison of movements, body weight, and habitat selection
between translocated and resident gopher tortoises. Journal of Wildlife Management 78(8):1444-1455. [ Download ]
Enge, K.M., D.J. Stevenson, M.J. Elliott,
and J.M. Bauder. 2013. The historical and contemporary distribution of the eastern indigo snake
(Drymarchon couperi). Herpetological Conservation and Biology 8(2):288-307. [ Download ]
Hyslop, N.L., D.J. Stevenson, J. Macey,
L. Carlile, C.L. Jenkins, J. Hostetler, and M.K. Oli. 2011. Survival and population growth of a
long-lived threatened snake species, Drymarchon couperi (Eastern Indigo Snake) in Georgia, USA.
Population Ecology 54:145-156. [ Download ]
Shamblin, B.M. T.A. Alstad, D.J. Stevenson,
J.N. Macey, F.H. Snow, and C.J. Nairn. 2010. Isolation and characterization of microsatellites from
the eastern indigo snake (Drymarchon couperi) Conservation Genetics Resources DOI 10.1007/s12686-010-9348-5.
(Published online 16 November 2010)dirk_9_Hyslop et al 2011- Drymarchon Population Ecology [ Download ]
Stevenson, D.J., K.R. Ravenscroft,
R.T. Zappalorti, M.D. Ravenscroft, S.W. Weigley, and C.L. Jenkins. 2010. Using a Wildlife Detector
Dog for Locating Eastern Indigo Snakes (Drymarchon couperi). Herpetological
Review 41(4):437-442.dirk_10_IndigoSnake_Microsats_Shamblin et al 2010 [ Download ]
Stevenson, D.J., 2010. Natural History Notes -
Death Feigning: Drymarchon couperi (Eastern Indigo Snake). Herpetological Review 41(1):92-93. [ Download ]
Stevenson, D.J., M.R. Bolt, D.J. Smith,
K.M. Enge, N.L. Hyslop, T.M. Norton, and K.J. Dyer. 2010. Prey records for the Eastern Indigo Snake
(Drymarchon couperi). Southeastern Naturalist 9(1):1-18. [ Download ]
Stevenson, D.J., K.M. Enge, L. Carlile,
K.J. Dyer, T.M. Norton, N.L. Hyslop, and R.A. Kiltie. 2009. An Eastern Indigo Snake
(Drymarchon couperi) mark-recapture study in southeastern Georgia. Herpetological Conservation
and Biology 4(1):30-42. [ Download ]
Hyslop, J.L., J.M. Meyers, R.J. Cooper,
and D.J. Stevenson. 2009. Indigo snake capture methods: effectiveness of two survey techniques
for Drymarchon couperi in Georgia. Florida Scientist 72:93-100. [ Download ]
Stevenson, D.J. 2009.
Commander of the Forest. Georgia Backroads 8(1):26-29. [ Download ]
Stevenson, D.J., R.A. Moulis, and N.L. Hyslop.
2008. Species Account: Eastern Indigo Snake, Drymarchon couperi. In Jensen, J., C. Camp, W. Gibbons,
and M. Elliott (Eds.). Amphibians and Reptiles of Georgia, University of Georgia Press. Athens. 575 pp.
Stevenson, D.J. 2006. Indigo: North America's
largest snake is a gentle giant. Wildlife Conservation 109(6):46-51.
Stevenson, D.J., K.J. Dyer, and B.A. Willis-Stevenson.
2003. Survey and monitoring of the eastern indigo snake in Georgia. Southeastern Naturalist 2:393-408. [ Download ]
Wallace, M.P., Sr., D.J. Stevenson, and L.V. LaClaire.
2009. Captive Longevity and Size Records for the Peninsula Newt (Notophthalmus viridescens piaropicola)
and Striped Newt (Notophthalmus perstriatus). Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 44(9):138-139. [ Download ]
Jensen, J.B., and D.J. Stevenson. 2008.
Species Account: Flatwoods Salamander, Ambystoma cingulatum. In Jensen, J., C. Camp, W. Gibbons,
and M. Elliott (Eds.). Amphibians and Reptiles of Georgia. University of Georgia Press. Athens. 575 pp.
Stevenson, D.J. 2008. Species Account: Striped Newt,
Notophthalmus perstriatus. In Jensen, J., C. Camp, W. Gibbons, and M. Elliott (Eds.). Amphibians and Reptiles
of Georgia. University of Georgia Press. Athens. 575 pp.
Bevelhimer, M.S., D.J. Stevenson, N.R. Giffen,
and K. Ravenscroft. 2008 Annual surveys of larval Ambystoma cingulatum reveal large differences in dates
of pond residency. Southeastern Naturalist 7(2):311-322. [ Download ]
Rothermel, B.B., S.C. Walls, J.C. Mitchell,
C.K. Dodd, Jr., L.K. Irwin, D.E. Green, V.M. Vazquez, J.W. Petranka, and D.J. Stevenson. 2008.
Widespread occurrence of the amphibian chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in the southeastern
USA. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 82:3-18. [ Download ]
Bishop, D.C., J.G. Palis, K.M. Enge, D.J. Printiss,
and D.J. Stevenson. 2006. Capture rate, body size, and survey recomendations for larval Ambystoma cingulatum
(Flatwoods Salamanders). Southeastern Naturalist 5:9-16. [ Download ]
Farmer, A.L., K.M. Enge, J.B. Jensen, D.J. Stevenson,
and L.L. Smith. 2017. A range-wide assessment of the status and distribution of the striped newt
(Notophtalmus perstriatus). Herpetological Conservation and Biology: in press.
Chandler, H.C., D.J. Stevenson, J.D. Mays,
B.S. Stegenga, W.H. Vaigneur, and M.D. Moore. 2017. A new trap designed to catch small emydid and
kinosternid turtles. Herpetological Review 48(2):323-327. [ Download ]
Stevenson, D.J. and H.C. Chandler. 2017.
The herpetofauna of conservation lands along the Altamaha River, Georgia. Southeastern Naturalist
16(2):261-282. [ Download ]
Stevenson, D.J., J.B. Jensen, E.A. Schlimm,
and M. Moore. 2015. The distribution, habitat use, activity, and status of the Spotted Turtle
(Clemmys guttata) in Georgia. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 14(2):136-142. [ Download ]
Steen, D.A., C.J.W. McClure, W.B. Sutton,
D.C. Rudolph, J.B. Pierce, J.R. Lee, L.L. Smith, B.B. Gregory, D.L. Baxley, D.J. Stevenson, and
C. Guyer. 2014. Copperheads are common when kingsnakes are not: relationships between the abundances
of a predator and one of their prey. Herpetologica 70(1):69-76. [ Download ]
Steen, D.A., D.J. Stevenson, J.C. Beane,
M.J. Aresco, J.C. Godwin, S.P. Graham, L.L. Smith, D.C. Rudolph, J.B. Pierce, J.R. Lee, B.B. Gregory,
J. Jensen, S.H. Stiles, J.A. Stiles, N.H. Nazdrowicz, and C. Guyer. 2013. Terrestrial movements of
the Red-bellied Mudsnake (Farancia abacura) and Rainbow Snake (F. erytrogramma). Herpetological
Review 44(2):208-231. [ Download ]
Stevenson, D.J. 2013. In Praise of Coral Snakes.
Georgia Backroads 12(1):31-34. [ Download ]
Stevenson, D.J. and J. Stackhouse. 2012. The
amphibians and reptiles of the Altamaha River, Georgia. International Reptile Conservation
Foundation - Reptiles and Amphibians: Conservation and Natural History 19(3):170-186. [ Download ]
Stevenson, D.J. 2010. The Altamaha:
Georgia's Little Amazon. HerpNation 1(3):6-14. [ Download ]
Stevenson, D.J. and Kevin M. Stohlgren. 2015.
Predation on the scorpion Centruroides hentzi (Banks) (Scorpiones, Buthidae) by the assassin bug Microtomus
purcis (Drury) (Insecta: Hemiptera: Reduviidae). Southeastern Naturalist 14(1):N1-N4. [ Download ]
Stevenson, D.J., G. Beaton, and M.J. Elliott. 2013.
The phenology, distribution, habitat, and status of the tiger beetles Cincindela nigrior Schaupp and
Cicindela scutellaris unicolor Dejean (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) in the Coastal Plain of Georgia.
Cicindela 45(2-3):49-68. [ Download ]
Stevenson, D.J., G. Greer, and M.J. Elliott. 2012.
The distribution and habitat of Centruroides hentzi (Banks) (Scorpiones, Buthidae) in Georgia.
Southeastern Naturalist 11(4):589-598. [ Download ]
Stevenson, D.J. 2011. Return of the magic cicadas.
Georgia Backroads 10(3):23-25. [ Download ]
Stevenson, D.J., G. Beaton, and M.J. Elliott. 2009.
Distribution, status, and ecology of the Say's Spiketail (Cordulegaster sayi) in Georgia, USA.
Bulletin of American Odonatology 11(1):20-25. [ Download ]